The Treatment Rooms

Bowen Technique

Bowen sets the scene for the body to heal itself.

In contrast to many other hands-on therapies, Bowen does not attempt to force the body to change; rather it asks the body to recognise and make the changes necessary to bring it back to homoeostasis (physiological equilibrium).

Bowen is suitable for all ages, from a baby with colic to an elderly person with arthritis, and there are no known contra-indications. This remarkable technique can be quick and effective in helping the following:Muscular and skeletal problems in neck, shoulder, hip, knees, ankle and back, including sciatica ,Frozen shoulder, tennis and golf elbow, R.S.I. and carpal tunnel ,Whiplash and sports injuries ,Problems with posture and body alignment ,Migraine and recurring headaches ,Bell's Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease and the difficulties suffered by stroke victims ,Respiratory, bronchial and related conditions such as hay fever and asthma ,Digestive problems such as IBS ,Arthritis ,Hormonal, pregnancy and fertility problems ,Stress management, ME, fatigue and sleep problems.
